Fine esparto craftsmanship - esparte

Awards and honours

+ First prize in the contest CICRA 2023 XXVth "Basketry fair" International Contest-2023.

+ First prize in the XII "Vegetable fibres" International Contest-2018.

+ Promote Craftsmanship Prize 2017 of the Region of Murcia.
+ First prize in the contest CICRA 2016 XIXth "Basketry fair" International Contest-2016.

+ First prize in the Xth "Vegetable fibres" International Contest-2016.

+ First prize in the contest CICRA 2014 XVIIth "Basketry fair" International Contest-2014.

+ First prize in the VIIIth "Vegetable fibres" International Contest-2014.

+ First prize in the IIIrd "Vegetable fibres" International Contest-2009.

+ European Basketmaking - Touring exhibition -2008/2011-
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© 2016 esparte.(See section "trademark")